Is Grape Growing Right for You?

Don’t start a vineyard without this course
New and prospective wine-grape growers often do not have all of the information needed before deciding to start and grow a successful vineyard, and they find out the hard way that making poor decisions at the start can be costly and frustrating.
About the course
To help growers avoid costly start-up mistakes, I created a comprehensive Online Prospective Winegrape Grower Course that provides everything you need to start and grow your vineyard successfully.
6 video modules – over 5 hours of video content
2 downloadable Grower Guides with additional diagrams and data
$200 coupon code toward a Virtual Viticulture Academy Membership

Grapevine Anatomy & Growth
Learn unique aspects of how grapevines grow and how to time your vineyard management activities to vine growth stages.

Vineyard Site Selection
Poor site selection is costly and challenging to overcome. Learn the site factors that are crucial for vine longevity.

Management & Labor
This module details time-sensitive vineyard management activities and the labor hours needed to operate a successful vineyard.

Crop Risks Factors
Learn how to avoid, prevent, or mitigate the pest, disease, weather & other environmental risks your young vineyard will face.

Vineyard Economics
If not scaled properly, your vineyard may never be profitable. This module covers the economic factors and calculations for vineyard success.

Variety Selection & Marketing
Variety selection, like site selection, is critical for success. Learn to select optimal varieties and rootstocks for your location and local buyers.
You cannot afford to start a vineyard without this knowledge!
A new grape grower can expect to spend about $20,000 to $25,000 per acre for years 1-3 for just the base vineyard establishment if everything goes well.
I am confident this course will save you time, money, and a lot of frustration in getting your vineyard successfully launched.

“I can only say thanks to you and your members. You have answered so many questions in the first 4 hours of viewing that I already feel the membership is paid off. I truly wish I had joined 12 months ago.”
Nobby – Australia | VVA Member since 2022